Mustard Tart

Welcome to ‘Week 2’ of French Fridays with Dorie!! Ms. Greenspan’s pick for this week is Gèrard’s Mustard Tart… a tart tart, if you will. 😉 I must admit that when I heard the words ‘mustard’ and ‘tart’ together in the same sentence, I was a bit put off. Now, I love mustard as much as (if not more than) the next guy (especially on my fries), but I didn’t ever think it would be something I put into a tart shell.

Knowing this, I planned to present the tart to the German ‘Iron Stomach’, aka Dad. This man will eat anything… breads and cheeses with the mold cut off and week-old tuna salad to name a few. Best-buy dates mean nothing to this guy. Got leftovers from four days ago? He’ll eat ’em. Seriously, his refrigerator drawer at work looks like a nuclear waste plant. Okay, maybe that’s going a bit far, but he will eat some gross things. But, the thing that’s most odd about it, is that he doesn’t prefer to eat chicken. “It’s too bland,” he says. I know… I said he was weird. 🙂

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But, I digress. Dorie calls for two mustards in this tart: Dijon and another of your choice. So for Dad, I chose a Düsseldorf blend. Similar to Dijon, but with a sweeter bite. And what do you know? I loved it. It was smooth with a sharp tang. Perfect with that buttery tart crust – just amazing. Dad? He loved it, too. Took it to work for lunch one day, then took the leftovers for lunch at an event a few days later (of course).

Want to make one? Then get a copy of Around My French Table today!

#2 – Gèrard’s Mustard Tart
Source: Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan

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