French Fridays with Dorie

Mustard Tart

Welcome to ‘Week 2’ of French Fridays with Dorie!! Ms. Greenspan’s pick for this week is Gèrard’s Mustard Tart… a tart tart, if you will. 😉 I must admit that when I heard the words ‘mustard’ and ‘tart’ together in the same sentence, I was a bit put off. Now, I love mustard as much as (if not more than) the next guy (especially on my fries), but I didn’t ever think it would be something I put into a tart shell.

Knowing this, I planned to present the tart to the German ‘Iron Stomach’, aka Dad. This man will eat anything… breads and cheeses with the mold cut off and week-old tuna salad to name a few. Best-buy dates mean nothing to this guy. Got leftovers from four days ago? He’ll eat ’em. Seriously, his refrigerator drawer at work looks like a nuclear waste plant. Okay, maybe that’s going a bit far, but he will eat some gross things. But, the thing that’s most odd about it, is that he doesn’t prefer to eat chicken. “It’s too bland,” he says. I know… I said he was weird. 🙂

Mustard Tart 2

But, I digress. Dorie calls for two mustards in this tart: Dijon and another of your choice. So for Dad, I chose a Düsseldorf blend. Similar to Dijon, but with a sweeter bite. And what do you know? I loved it. It was smooth with a sharp tang. Perfect with that buttery tart crust – just amazing. Dad? He loved it, too. Took it to work for lunch one day, then took the leftovers for lunch at an event a few days later (of course).

Want to make one? Then get a copy of Around My French Table today!

#2 – Gèrard’s Mustard Tart
Source: Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan

Mustard Tart 3


Dorie has a new book!! Dorie has a new book!! What, you haven’t heard?? Then get your hind-end to the bookstore and pick it up stat! Around My French Table is a gorgeous love story between Dorie and Paris. Page, after page, after page of beautiful photos and wonderfully written recipes, with descriptions galore, take you on a trip to France and what seems like a seat at Dorie’s table. And of course, there’s a new group to cook along with all those great recipes… French Fridays with Dorie!

Which brings me to the first recipe, the gougère. Need a quick & easy appetizer? Have unexpected guests at the door? Late arrivals to a dinner party? Then look no further. In the very first few pages, Ms. Dorie serves up one of the easiest (and yummiest) puffs I’ve ever seen. Seriously, they’re like little balls of crack. The dough cooks up quick on the stove and then is cooled in a mixer while the eggs come to room temperature. Mix ’em in (followed by the cheese) and it’s ready for the oven! Really, what’s more easier than that? 🙂

Gougères 2

Gougères 3

#1 – Gougères (pg. 4)
Source: Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan

Many thanks to Laurie, Joel, Alison, Travis, Rachel and especially, Dorie, for making FFwD such an amazing group (with a fab website!)! Looking forward to all of the delicious recipes!!

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