Cherry Pecan Upside-Downer

My 300th post… a yummy little sponge-like cake, featuring rich and warm spices. It’s also a little color-shy. I’m sure if I had used cranberries, the cake would’ve been much brighter and cheerful looking, but when I’ve got a can of Oregon red tart cherries staring at me, what am I to do? Next time, I’ll listen to you, Dorie… I promise. Guess I can always use the excuse that “as long as it tastes great, who cares what it looks like”?

Sabrina of Superfluous is this week’s lovely host – you can find the recipe featured on her blog, but don’t forget to check out the other TWD bakers and they’re Upside-Downers, too! πŸ™‚

Cherry Pecan Upside-Downer 2

Cherry Pecan Upside-Downer (pg. 206)
Adapted from: Baking – From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan